Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back From Nowhere

After a hiatus, decided to post something before people start nagging and tagging me again.
As many of you all know I've not been feeling well. Having migraine for 3 straight days and nausea and flu for a whole week (still not recovered yet) and now having backaches.. And yes, I know it's not a good excuse for not blogging, BUT at least it's an excuse.. hehe..

Still thinking whether to go for the donation thing this Tuesday. I'm not scared of blood but more of worried it'll be pain and I don't want to faint there. A bit scary, I must say, as I've never done this before. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Sounds like going to war.

Sincere condolences to Teik Han on the passing of his grandfather.


Coffee Lover Kid said...

too late!!! u kna tagged edi....
bluek :p
nvm.. u will get better de!! rest more... don stay up watch so much football.. so 21 and 22 no TV okay!!!

Anonymous said...

tq for ur condolence.. and tq for being there.. realy appreciate ur friendship and support....


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