Monday, August 31, 2009

Tagged By Ju Han

Tagged by Ju Han

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.

What is your name: Eliza
A four letter word: East
A boy’s name: Edward
A girl’s name: Eliza? Okay, Elaine
An occupation: Engineer
A color: Emerald
Something you’ll wear: Earrings
A food: Egg
Something found in the bathroom: Electric Hairdryer =p
A place: England
A reason for being late: Enter wrong class
Something you’d shout: Eh!!
A movie title: E.T.
Something you drink: Espresso
A musical group: Evanescence
An animal: Elephant
A street name: Jalan Emas
A type of car: Electric? It didn't say brand
The title of a song: Everything I Do I Do It For You
Tag 5 people: Does it have to be 'e' as well? can it be 'everybody'? =p (I doubt anyone has that name though)

Fuh!! Really spent so much time thinking what starts with 'e'. Some I cheated and googled. What to do? I'm not a dictionary.

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